Array ( [0] => [1] => en [2] => PublicInfo [3] => JSC_AkMaral ) Kyrgyz Stock Exchange

ОАО Ак-Марал

Company name ОАО Ак-Марал
Type of activity Легкая промышленность
Fullname of manager Айтматова В.С.
Manager's position Генеральный директор
The address is 720054, г.Бишкек,ул.Ю.Фучика,38
Phone / Fax (0312) 64-31-06, 64-30-87 ф.: 24-24-53
Registrar -
Type of securities -
Number of securities -
Placement price -
Статус профиля Не активен

Disclosure of information

Company News