Warning: file_get_contents(https://oi.kse.kg/api/oi-kse?kse_company_id=209&type=oi): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request in /var/www/www.kse.kg/modules/BusinessReports/BusinessReports.php on line 220
Array ( [0] => [1] => en [2] => PublicInfo [3] => JSC_SU-93 ) Kyrgyz Stock Exchange


Company name ОАО СУ-93
Type of activity Строительство
Fullname of manager Голышев В.А.
Manager's position Генеральный директор
The address is 720031, г.Бишкек, ул.Матросова, 44
Phone / Fax (0312) 54-40-30; ф.: 54-40-32
Registrar ОсОО "Фондрегистр"
Type of securities простые акции
Number of securities 24 960 шт.
Placement price 50 сом
Статус профиля Не активен

Disclosure of information

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